“Change is inevitable. Growth is intentional”
It’s true that with age, the upper limit at which we can perceive sound drops to under the 10.000 Hz level. However, that deterioration is not only due to age.A study into the effect of noise pollution brought to light that sixty to seventy year old people living in industrialised areas or cities are much worse-off than their counterparts in the so-called ‘underdeveloped’ areas of the world. Only 15% could still perceive frequencies up to 12.000 Hz, whereas in the areas with little or no noise pollution 85% of people in the same age group could hear to that level.
Whether we’ve been exposed to an overdose of noise or not, you can expect decline in perception when growing older. When that becomes a nuisance the easiest solution may be to get a hearing aid. But before you do so, consider Listening Training, have an assessment to see whether you can potentially improve your hearing.
If that is the case then there are quite a few benefits. From enhancing your listening skills, your memory, your posture, energy levels, creative skills and your eye sight.
And that is not necessarily too good to be true. Thanks to this phenomenon called brain plasticity, the ability to strengthen and even re-wire these vital neurological connections that are all interrelated and that will all benefit from this extra stimulus during your listening sessions.

Moreover, it is not just on a physiological level that there is a chance for change and growth. Perhaps even more important are the changes that occur inside the mind.
So, if indeed change is inevitable in life, you may still have a choice to determine the direction you go.
– Janis Joplin