From the embryonic stage onwards our ears have a vital role to play.
An important component for our sense of balance is the ‘vestibule’, the area of the ear that controls our physical sense of self, our body image, and related sense of space and time.
Only when the vestibule maintains good motor control, balance and verticality, will the other part of the inner ear, the cochlea, be able to perceive and analyse sounds well enough to induce the desire to properly listen. This generally results in improved muscle tone, better posture, balance and coordination.
Parallel to this, one generally notes progress in the discrimination of sounds, attention span and speech, which in turn, opens the door to better communication etc. A well-functioning vestibular system is the basis, it’s the foundation on which everything else is built, So every programme we write for our clients will start there.
At the Joya Centre we work with a great variety of clients. Some may only have slight developmental delays, while others may never have uttered a word in their lives and rely on a wheelchair.
Please contact Paulina for more information, and to discuss your specific needs.

Please contact Paulina for more information, and to discuss your specific needs.