ADD children and adults are often accused of not listening. To some extent this is certainly true – they don’t. But not because they choose not to. In a way they may even be extremely attentive, but are just unable to classify the information, especially in an already noisy classroom or business meeting.

Poor sensory integration is generally related to a lack of vestibular stimulation. There are several ways we compensate for poor sensory integration. We can try to ‘tune out’ sensory input, and with it the world around us, which might lead to the diagnosis of an attention deficit. Representing the other side of the coin, we would compensate for this lack of sensory stimulation through excessive movement, getting restless and fidgety, and being unable to focus. In such a case we would be diagnosed with hyperactivity.
Results you can expect:
- improved attention span
- improved sense of balance
- improved reading, writing and math skills
- improved self-awareness
- improved ‘people’ skills
- improved willingness to communicate and ‘listen’
- a more mature way of dealing with conflict and anxiety
We have a good working relationship with schools in the Nelson-Tasman region. This means that, in many cases, we can do Listening during school hours. With older children, schools may suggest and provide extra homework that can be done during the sessions so, they don’t get behind.
For ‘listening checklists’ see our page: Are you Listening?